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Are there real work at home jobs? Yes there are some, but, they are not nearly as plentiful as you would think considering the amount of interest there is in working from home. They are also difficult to find.
Finding work at home employment isn't easy. Despite all the online advertising you see, there aren't that many legimate work at home jobs. In fact, there are more scams than real work from home opportunities. Here's how to find work at home employment, research work at home opportunities to make sure they are legitimate and avoid scams.
Work from Home Jobs
There are companies that hire for work from home jobs and you can find work at home job listings online. Job seekers who are interested in home employment need to spend a good deal of time searching for legitimate opportunities, as well as a significant amount of time weeding through scams.
Work from Home Jobs
Many people who work from home started out working in an office, but, were able to arrange with their employer to work some or all of time at home. I have an acquaintance who relocated to Washington, DC. Her employer decided to enable her to work from home, rather than losing a valuable employee.
I have another acquaintance who works part-time from the office and part-time from home in order to accommodate her child's school schedules. My sister-in-law schedules home nursing care visits from home. In those cases, employees, who had already proven themselves to be valuable to their employer, were able to negotiate flexible work schedules.
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