home Data Entry From Home Work at Home – Legit Data Entry Jobs

Work at Home – Legit Data Entry Jobs

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23 thoughts on “Work at Home – Legit Data Entry Jobs

  1. I love your videos I’m looking for work at home jobs for Miami fl I have
    applied with alpine and this morning I had an interview and they said they
    would let me know in 2 days. Either way I would like to know is there any
    jobs like data entry around my area please help am extremely new to this
    and would like to know from someone with experience

  2. Hi Yali, you can try Virtualbee, Quicktate, Accutran Global, Dion Data,
    Clickworker has some data entry tasks, Amazon Mturk, Cloud Crowd, and I
    have even more listed on my official website at Workersonboard.

  3. i am from the philippines…are people from other countries eligible to
    participate in those online jobs? some jobs here says that its only for us

  4. Hi Noel, there are some companies that hire people outside the United
    States like Zero Chaos, Clickworker, Leapforce, and others I have listed on
    my official website.

  5. Hello Alicia, remember the comment I left on your VirtualBee video? Well, I
    received an e-mail yesterday that I was invited to join VirtualBee! Today,
    I worked for about 4 hours and earned little over $10 already! I should
    make their $30 minimum in time for their payout. I just wanted to let you
    know I was invited and to thank you for sharing! 

    1. Hi there, I do remember. Congratulations to you! I hope you like it.
      Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your good news with me.

  6. i did check the website u provide me with but the are not legit out side
    the us i leave in the Caribbean not in the united states i need something
    global please thank u

  7. Hello Alicia. I have been on your workersonboard.com site and nothing that
    I have tried and signed up for has worked. I have been trying for weeks.
    can you tell me something that I can sign up for that truly works. I am
    interested in data entry work. Something that I can start tonight and make
    money. My bills are outrageous! I know that isn’t your problem but I am at
    wits end. PLEASE HELP ME.

    1. +g.r. walker Hi there, have you ever considered writing articles online for
      companies like iWriter, Demand Studios, Skyword and others? You can
      definitely earn extra money from home for your content and many of these
      companies do not require you to be an experienced writer which is idea for
      beginners looking to earn extra money online.

  8. my gosh girl you are everywhere. maybe you can help me get a job at home.
    you know a lot and I cant wait to speak with you.I need training in data
    entry and I know you can do that.Sounds like you know everything. I want to
    be smart like you and only you can help me. Lisa

    1. +Lisa Lewis Hi Lisa…I am glad that you found me on YouTube. I just made
      a video about how a place where you can go to that will not charge you any
      money to help you with typing/data entry that you can watch here

  9. Are you willing to spell the names of the companies you recommend?
    According to my research, this video (and possible the opportunity) is as
    close to being legitimate as any I’ve seen. How does it feel to be helping
    SO many people?

  10. Are you aware that some of the data entry sites actually say they aren’t
    hiring? I went on the Axion Data Services to try and apply or register and
    they told me not to call, don’t send a resume because they don’t read or
    look at them, and there wasn’t any positions available. I did register on
    Virtual Bee and Clickworker to see if any work would come through at some
    point and time.

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