home Free Work From Home Jobs Non phone work at home jobs that pays $13-$15 per hour

Non phone work at home jobs that pays $13-$15 per hour

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25 thoughts on “Non phone work at home jobs that pays $13-$15 per hour

  1. Thank you for taking the time to make this video, you have truly helped me
    out a great deal. I’m definitely subscribing.

    1. I see your concern, but what would the scam be here? She makes a lot of
      work at home videos just trying to help people out, just watch a few and
      you will see, she is legit.

    2. Bramma Bull! yes there is! but alisha talks more about company’s that gives
      you a real job but doing it at home! you are an employee with them, some of
      the ones she talks about are like call centers, She knows what she is
      talking about i have been watching her vids for some time now, am with MLM,
      and working at a Roma’s pizza, if i was not there i would love to work with
      one of these jobs, but at least i can have something if any thing happens
      at Roma’s. you should look into one of these jobs she talks about that you
      think you might like to try and just do it! sometimes you have to get your
      feet wet and test the waters out,

    3. The only one easy way to make money online for free and surveys.You can
      start making $100/day.Some surveys are scams, but if you go
      to: EliteSurveys . info
      you will find a list of all legit surveys that actually pay.

    4. yes i agree with you they are? but Alisha is not a scamer, she only tells
      about the real company’s that is why i love her vids. she knows what she is
      talking about, if you would like to work from home you should look into
      some the company’s she is talking about, you can’t be afraid to get your
      toes wet, be like nike? And just do it!

  2. BTW Alicia is wonderful.Iam subscribed to her for awhile now and she is one
    of the “honest people”online regarding directing people towards legit
    online work.

  3. I am a little bit leery…so I am going to give the links to a news channel
    and ask them to check out these jobs…because just reading testimonies
    aren’t really enough….I don’t know who these people are…they could all
    be one in the same using different profile pics…and the internet is
    great…but it also provides a avenue for deception….not saying that you
    are intentionally are setting out to deceive anyone…I feel it’s just
    better to be safe than sorry

  4. I just wanted to say thank you for this video because I now perform this
    job and I absolutely love it. It completely changed my life, and I owe it
    to this vid! 🙂 Thanks again.

  5. I need real work from home job. Not my own business. I need work a job not
    a quick rich money scam
    can anyone help. and which ones pay the most. 

  6. Hi and thank you for all your work in finding these work at home job. Its
    so tough in this world to find good legit jobs. I think your such a loving
    and giving person. May you have many blessing in your life, Thanks again.
    Your true to the words in
    Acts 20:35. 🙂

  7. Pink Butterfly says it well. Shawn may be straight-on, but be careful. I do
    however, like the tone of this video as possibly legitimate. I have
    significant experience, certification as a proofreader, an M.Ed., and much
    to offer and I’m STILL looking for the right opportunity, but THIS one
    COULD be promising. (I am receiving no compensation of ANY kind for saying
    this. I have however, been fooled before.

  8. question: i am looking for a part time or full time job that i can do at
    home. but i live in europe… u mentioned that i can still apply for the
    job but which company can u suggest that will best suit me? thanks a lot! i
    appreciate your videos. u really are dedicated to helping people inding
    finding thier legit job. Good job! God bless u and keep it up! 🙂 

  9. Hey Alicia I wanted to ask you about the non-phone work from home jobs you
    talked about 2 years ago. Are they still hiring people?

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