home How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom A Stay At Home Mom’s Bullet Journal

A Stay At Home Mom’s Bullet Journal

This is my take on bullet journaling. After a few weeks of obsessing over the ones I found on pinterest and realizing this was the perfect way for me to keep organized, I decided to jump in!

This is my first attempt at one, with my own materials…no fancy stuff here…lol.

My pinterest board-

Hope you some good info my video, and if not, here are some links that really got me into it:

Ryder Carroll bullet journal video:
Boho Berry youtube:
The week set up was found in this video:
Instagram accounts that inspire me:
Thanks for watching! ~Erin

Products Used:
is a notebook I already had.
Custom stamp was bought by me my friend's website- Joscie.com
*Fine Point Sharpies-
*Regular Sharpies-
*Map pencils-
*Ruler Used-
*similar Post Its-
*The book I'm reading-

*Affiliate links are clearly marked. Affiliate links help to support my website and YouTube channel. A percentage of any purchase you via these links will go towards purchasing items and other expenses associated with running and maintaining my website and YouTube channel. Thank you for using these links, if you choose to do so!

A 's Bullet Journal

42 thoughts on “A Stay At Home Mom’s Bullet Journal

  1. Thanks so much for sharing. I am going to add some of these elements into
    my own planner!

    1. +ItsAlwaysSomethingAroundHere Thank you for the sweet comment! I’m so happy
      to hear that you were inspired by something in my planner. 🙂

  2. Erin your bullet journal looks so neat & very creative. I can see where
    having everything in one spot could really help. Hey, thanks for the
    mention…love airing the beds! 😘

    1. Thank you Carol, it is really a great fit for me. And thank you for talking
      about it! Airing out the bed has made our sleep better. It feels like fresh
      sheets every night. 😊

  3. I absolutely agree with the 3 page brain dump! Great idea! Thanks for
    sharing, what I like about your system is that it can be personalized!
    That’s my favorite part of my journaling and my planner as well! 👍🏾

    1. +DIY@Home Thank you, I actually got the idea from the minimalist sparrow’s
      channel. Also, I already know that I want to make some changes for next
      month, and the fact that it can evolve with me is awesome! 🙂

    2. +Mix It Up Erin well I’m not surprised one bit where you got the idea from,
      the minimalist sparrow she’s such a beautiful soul and a great source of
      inspiration as well, we all are, keep up the good work Erin! 👍🏾

  4. Great video! I am also a stay at home mommy. I have a Youtube channel as
    well and it would mean a lot to me if you can check it out and subscribe.
    Have a great day :)

  5. What an inspiring video! Thank you for sharing your journal and thought
    process. I’ve watched a lot of bullet journal videos lately and your’s is
    my favorite by far!

  6. Love your video. Let’s people see that you don’t need to spend tons to get
    organized! Thank you 😃 for sharing!

  7. I like how you used what you had and planned it for you🤗! Yay! Thank you
    for your video😊👍🏻.

  8. thank you!! I was looking another stay at home mom who bullet journal too!!
    great ideas to add in my own bujo!!! ☺☺☺

  9. Love that you keep it real!!! No doodles and art work and you aren’t
    showing off. Bless you.

    1. Hi, thank you! It’s definitely helpful to have a goal I shoot for as
      motivation. Hope you find what works for you. 🙂

  10. finally! its so hard to find a SAHM bullet journal system. im not a
    creative person so i need inspiration to create, but all i see are crafty
    blogging/vlogging artsy bullet journals and no SAHM bujos. thank you for
    this video! im using my husbands acc but im a mom. lol

    1. The last sentence cracked me up! I’m glad you like my non crafty no sticker
      style. I feel like I’m the only one sometimes, so it’s nice to hear there
      are others out there who don’t want to artsy it up. (I have my art journal
      for that kind of stuff) Thanks for watching!

  11. I’ve been bullet journaling for a while in a simple Mead graphing notebook.
    I like how you listed your daily routine. I will try it out that way

    1. Thank you! I see why some people are motivated by the new type of popular
      journals, but I don’t need it. Glad to see I’m not the only one. I do
      however have plans to switch it up a little for 2017. 🙂

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