home How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom FAMILY NIGHTTIME ROUTINE! || STAY AT HOME MOM


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  1. OMG I am so excited for this video. Love watching your Routines. I have a
    lot of stuff to learn from you <3

  2. I loved this video, your family is so cute. I have 4 wild boys and a
    daughter and my night time routine is pretty similar to this, except my
    kids are no where near as calm as yours. It’s more of a battle to herd them
    into bed.. 😂🙈xx

  3. Hey girl! Do the kids have a hard time falling back into your usual routine
    after being away for a little while? Love ya!

  4. I watch Keren too, I found out about her through Kyra and Oscar from OKbaby
    😊 it’s so cool when any two you tubers that’s I’m already subscribed to
    and watching collab together !!

    1. I have just one baby and I am exhausted by 8 pm , I can imagine how
      exhausted moms are with few kids👶👧🏻👧🏻👶👶

  5. You look like a mixture of Hilary Duff and Torrey Devitto! So gorgeous and
    your family is absolutely beautiful!

  6. You really need to get the girls to stop sucking their thumbs, you can see
    what it’s doing to Kovas teeth 😳

    1. +theoriginaljillybean In a previous vlog Myka told Kova to take her thumb
      out her mouth so they ARE trying but it’s a process since she’s clearly so
      used to doing it. At least they are trying.

    2. There baby teeth that are going to fall out in a
      Couple years, and they will probably get braces when they are older. That’s
      a security and safe guard for children, it is comforting to them!

  7. Please make a video of how you got them sleeping in the same room as each
    other and actually sleeping lol

  8. Wow someone who actually does their kids baths with bathers on for their
    privacy!!!! I HATE youtubers who put their kids on the internet naked you
    don’t know who could be watching your children! *high five*

  9. Myka can you please do a detailed homeschool video….why you homeschool,
    how you get started.
    I’m feeling a little overwhelmed but I really want to homeschool😁

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