I have received tons of emailed asking about how I became a stay at home mom and I thought that I would share with you all the deets about my journey to becoming a SAHM🙂
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★ Business Inquiries, Collaboration & just to stop by and say Hi:
My name is Myka and I am a 27 year old mother to 2 beautiful little girls and a gorgeous newborn baby boy and married to the man of my dreams. I also share mommy advice and fashion hauls, weight loss videos, tutorials, and monthly favorites! Best way to show your support is to subscribe to my channels and social media! Would love to hear from everyone 🙂
You are simply amazing
I am marrying a stay at home wife/mom, so as long as you are happy, do what
you want to. I love taking care of her. She is my heart. I will always put
her first.
that’s super sweet. Like my husband
This video is so motivational and inspiring for those that wish to be
stay-at-home Moms! I know this is totally off-topic, but your bed is
beautiful! What duvet and blanket do you have? :)
@aplacetonest I want to know too!
You remind me of an actress and I can’t get it out of my mind can’t
remember her name right now but there is a huge resemblances 😊
I have thought the same thing. Piper Perabo… It’s crazy!!!
Funny I can see the resemblance as well, but I was thinking of Leslie Mann
That’s hilarious because I thought that too after I commented.. I guess she
is a mix of two celebrities 🙂 Myka if you’re reading this, you’re more
gorgeous than both of them put together!! 🙂 🙂 And this is a side note,
but I was wondering what you use for stretch marks/etc because you said you
gained 50 pounds while pregnant and do not have a single stretch mark!!
I agree Rebecca she is definitely a more beautiful version of both of them,
and shes such a sweet mom and wife.
The piper girl is the first girl I thought of. Looks a lot like her and she even sounds like her. Funny
Thank you so much for this video. It is so inspiring!
I was a nurse too and left to be a stay at home mom and also just made a
YouTube channel. This was very encouraging. Thank you
Why can’t you tubers ever say the amount of money they make on here in
videos like this??They alwaysssss skate around it.Just give us a ballpark
It’s in the contract you sign to not disclose it when you sign up for
google adsense:)
I feel like she made a video addressing how much money she makes on YouTube
This is really inspirational to me! I have a little YouTube channel with a
couple a hundred subscribers and I also sell things in eBay occasionally! I
love that is so flexible for a stay at home mum to do! We have two boys
that I stay at home with X
such a fan😭😭😭😭 love you guys so much!!! shout out????❤❤❤ I have yt
channel aswell!
I plan to be a stay at home mom, and I definitely also am very driven to
find a way to bring in income in untraditional sources because I want to
also contribute financially to the family! This video makes me feel more
like it’s totally possible!
Such a cool video! So inspirational! What’s your nickname on EBay? Thanks
some people sell their breast milk for $4000 a month!
Do a tutorial on that hair! I love it!
I just love you ! so humble and sweet ! smart young couple !!!
Thank you love!!
When you first start selling on ebay how long does it take for people to
start buying from you since you wouldn’t be showing up at the top of
searches? I’m just curious because i’m interested in possibly starting an
account on ebay and pursuing this. Thanks!
One thing that I do that works great is to Join IConsumer. Get paid while
shopping online at your favorite stores. You will earn cash back and
shares of stock in the company. On your first online purchase at you will
earn 100 shares of stock just by using this website. Get something for
spending your hard earned cash, use this link and enjoy.
So did you get a business license? Or that isn’t necessarily needed for
selling used clothing
You can get an LLC but you dont have to.
I am a young mom aswell! follow us in our journey! ❤ go sub
How do you get people to find you on Ebay may I ask if you source from
online out side of Youtube.
What does her husband do for a living?
He is an engineer