home How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom How to Be a Happy Housewife & Stay at Home Mom!

How to Be a Happy Housewife & Stay at Home Mom!

In this video I share some tips and suggestions I have learned in my years as a stay--home Mom that might be useful. Being a stay--home Mom and/or housewife can definitely feel lonely at times but it doesn't have to. There is a whole community of stay-at-home Mom's on Youtube alone that you can always connect with. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have and I will help you any way that I can. Thanks for watching!

Shopping Links:

Ebates.com: ALWAYS use Ebates.com before you start shopping online to earn back!

Vitacost.com: First time customers can use this link to receive $10.00 off your first purchase!

The Honest Company Natural Health, Beauty & Baby Items: SAVE $10 OFF YOUR FIRST PURCHASE!

Tuga SPF Sunwear:

Usborne Books & :

The Picture Smart Bible Draw to Learn the Bible Program:

Oriental Trading Company:

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Instagram: aplacetonestbecky

FTC: This video is not sponsored. Sometimes companies do send me products in hopes that I will review them but my opinions are always my own! Some links are referral/affiliate links.

Music Used:
"Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

How to Be a Happy Housewife & !

34 thoughts on “How to Be a Happy Housewife & Stay at Home Mom!

  1. Same here. I have a running list broken up into life categories…health,
    kids, family, faith, etc. it has totally changed my mindset as a SAHM.
    Thanks so much for this great video! It came at the perfect time! 

  2. Great video I am a new subscriber from Australia. I have 3 girls 6,nearly 4
    and 2. Getting into a routine isn’t easy. Thanks for this :). Have you got
    any books you like to read about SAHM or organisation? 

  3. Iy sounds like you all have alot of support how do i get my husband to be
    involvement i can swear her has only changed 20dipars in our 7 year course
    of kids and he has alot of sovanist veiws.when i had a serious illness i
    was told to get up and walk it off i and i swear my husband wasn’t. Like
    this before.i havent seen anything about the harder and darker side of
    being a stay at home mom/Housewife.iam careful probably not as what i
    should be with my girls.any tips out there.

  4. Here’s something you stay at home moms could benefit from.
    I found this site thru a friend of mine. She helped me get started and
    there’s actually a entire group of people that are apart of this that will
    help. I didn’t think it would work. I thought it would be like every other
    online job. CRAP haha but it wasn’t. I get paid thru Wal-Mart, best buy,
    gamefly, and different credit sites. All because I help advertise there
    sites. So you guys should try it. I will put my referral link. If you need
    more info on it email me. Actually you should email me if you want to start
    twoot93@gmail.com is my email, so let me get you the extra cash you need
    today. Its simple and worth it. 

  5. I love the advice in this video! Well done. I think many women in many
    situations – SAHMs, working moms, women who are caretakers to their elderly
    parents/in-laws, young women starting out in the adult world, etc – would
    benefit greatly from hearing this. I especially like the advice about
    setting goals (it is so very important to have goals for the future but
    often neglected by many!), establishing daily routines (as these help
    lessen the stress on our already constrained time), and taking care of
    one’s self. We, as women, spend much time focusing on the needs and demands
    of others – whoever those ‘others’ may be – that we forget to take care of
    our physical & mental wellbeing and to look after our personal goals.
    Truly, regardless in what capacity we work, we’re human beings like
    everyone else. It’s important to never lose sight of that fact. 

  6. elliegee.myitworks.com

    Wana try the itworks wraps, become a loyal costumer and get 4 wraps for
    $59. Itworks bodywraps helped me get my body back after i gave birth!!

    Or if ur a stay at home mom like me or going to school fulltime and cant
    work join my team!! Selling itworks wraps. it rlly does work!! I love em
    and its the reason why i joined the party. Lets wrap to success !!! Ask me
    how/go to my website to check out allll the other amazing products we have
    to offer!


  7. Hi 🙋🏻 I am looking for motivated women to join my team! I am out to
    create a team of friends 👭creating success 💰 together! I am a work at
    home mom of 4 kids who I homeschool 📚 and I am currently working on
    building my business. Would you like to join me? You can work as slow or
    fast paced as you want and we can build your business together! Do you have
    at least $45 to invest in starting your own business?? Let’s talk! 📩

  8. wow! Now at the 16 minute mark of your video, i can thank G_d for guiding
    me to see this! I want you to know that you have brought me closer to Him
    and encouraged me in so many ways! Thanks girl! And also, keep up the good

  9. Thank you for the tips! i was raised by a single father…so when i had my
    daughter and got married…i had no idea how to be a SAHM. It seemed easy
    at first- but i got burnt out after a few months. There’s just so much that
    goes into it.

    1. There really is a lot to being a stay-at-home Mom and I think people often
      think it’s the easy choice rather than being a working Mom. I’m sure you’re
      doing a great job!

  10. I am just recently a stay at home wife/mom and was looking for something to
    inspire me! Thank you

  11. I have been a stay at home mom for almost a year now. I have a 10 month old
    daughter that I plan to homeschool and I too am a Christian! I am so glad I
    found this!

    1. I’m so glad it was helpful! Our lives sound really similar, don’t they? I
      hope you find other videos on my channel that you enjoy and are helpful!
      Thanks for watching! 🙂

    1. I went to my local Hobby Lobby and could not find the pillow cases!!!No
      worries,thanks for responding!!

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