home How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom REAL WAYS TO MAKE MONEY FROM HOME!


Today Im going to talk about how I money , while being a stay at mom!
Referral code: vjeowaj
How to started selling on ebay:
How I became a Stay at home mom:
Please SUBSCRIBE! We are so close to 150k-
Hi friends, I wanted to share a video telling you all of my tips on how to get started selling on ebay, this video was highly requested and thought I would give my viewer what they have been asking for! If we can get this video to 500 likes I will do a more in depth ebay series!
Our Big Announcement:
My Weekly Cleaning Routine:
How Much Money I On Youtube:
Live Birth of My Son:
Things Guys Take For Granted:

Myka Stauffer –
The Stauffer Life –

Snapchat: Mykastauffer
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If you liked this video please share it with a friend!

Have a video request? leave it in the comments below 🙂

★ Mailing Address:
PO Box #1052
715 Shawan Falls Dr
Dublin, OH 43017

★ Business Inquiries, Sponsors, Collaboration & just to stop by and say Hi: mykastauffer@gmail.com

★ Filming Gear I Use:
Sony RX100 III –
Canon 70D –
Sigma 30mm Lense –
Rode Video Mic Pro –
Light Boxes –

THANK YOU to every single one of you for being so supportive and watching my channel, it means more than you will ever know! I truly feel like you are part of my family and for this Im so grateful!

FTC Disclaimer: I feel so lucky to call Youtube my job. Today Im Teaming up with IBOTTA everything I said in this video is my honest own personal opinion. Thank you IBOTTA for sponsoring this video, its so awesome to team up with a brand you genuinely love and use!



  1. another video thanks you are so amazing I love you soo much. xx can you
    please do a everyday makeup tutorial please ! xxx

    1. Here areeee just a fеw of theee keу secrets inside my INCREDIBLE trading
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    3. The best website to make money online is *OnlineNetCareer. Com* you guys
      need to try it. This is how I’ve been making over $600 per week today

  2. Myka, you are the best! I look up to you so much, and love all your advice
    and videos!! I hope as I get older and when I become a mom I am as fun and
    awesome as you! I can’t wait for the step by step video :)

  3. Really good tips in eBay selling! Do you find branded items sell better
    than non-branded and do you market them as vintage? Super helpful vid 🙂 x

    1. +HeyIt’sEmily honestly I don’t do very well with off brands sometimes they
      just don’t sell so I try to avoid picking them up

    2. +Myka Stauffer Yeah I find that too with mine, also do you start your bids
      at 0.99 or do you set a higher starting price for bids? I really need to
      get the ebay book for dummies lol xx

    3. *Want to earn a great income without leaving your home?* just search
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    4. Тraders can’t jump in and out of binary options’ ordеrs by imppрulse or
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      in order to maximize profits and minimize losses. Watch here =>
      https://twitter.com/6a2f4217d14502874/status/742671681655853056 REAL WAYS

  4. if anyone is thinking about reselling clothing, poshmark is a great app ive
    made around $1,700 !!! It’s so much less confusing than eBay and the buyers
    pay for shipping!

  5. Wow! who knew you could make so much through ibotta? I posted a video about
    side hustles on my channel. Thanks for sharing

  6. Wow thanks for the tips! Here in New Zealand we don’t have any cash back
    apps like that which sucks, but i’ll definitely be trying the Ebay tip!
    Would love some more videos like this

  7. Thanks for the app, I just started plugging things in and making money!
    Cant wait for the ebay video in November, I’ve sold some things but its
    infidelity harder than you make it sound. :)

  8. This video was so helpful! My sister’s husband does eBay and sells at
    auctions full time. I’ve been seriously considering doing that since I’m a
    struggling actress. 💰💸💵

  9. I tried Ibotta and was lucky to get 10 cents per week haha. $250 per month
    is insane! I must buy the wrong things.

    1. +Tia Berg every coupon is like 50 cents to a dollar on average so I go to
      the grocery store 2 times a week and clip several coupons it really can add

  10. never heard of that app and since i separated from the USN ive been trying
    to look for ways to save n make money since we went from 2 good incomes to
    just one and the expenses has gone down just a lil so this video is def
    helpful n i would love to give ebates a try👌 would u tell us how you got
    started since u might be way ahead of a starter now…so how and what we
    can do to get started realistically

  11. A new subscriber here. For ebay do they take a percentage? I am retired and
    wanting to make some extra money.

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