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Stay At Home Mom Survival Guide! | Michelle from Millennial Moms

Making the transition and becoming a stay at home mom is no easy task. The days can be long and lonely for any mom. Today Michelle shares her top 9 on how she stays sane while taking care of her kids on a day-to-day basis. Share your down below!

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Stay At Home Mom Survival Guide! | Michelle from Millennial Moms

24 thoughts on “Stay At Home Mom Survival Guide! | Michelle from Millennial Moms

  1. I’m not a Mum, but that doesn’t stop me watching your videos! I love your
    videos Michelle :)

  2. Staying busy for sure but also taking time for you! I like to scrapbook,
    workout and take baths😊👍

  3. Here is mine. Know what YOU are eating! Especially if you can’t eat what
    you are feeding the kids. It so easy to forget to eat or just eat whatever
    your kids are eating even if you shouldn’t. I have found myself making poor
    choices just because I was so hungry and had no plan. An example of this is
    mommy is gluten free but not the kids. Great tips!!!!

  4. Getting up before your kids!!!🙌🙌🙌🙌 I exercise 3 days a week at the gym
    and the other four days I just have coffee and do my devotionals!! AND My
    hubby always encourages me to SIT Down and take a lunch break (like
    employees get too!) so everyday I try to eat my lunch or a snack sitting in
    quiet and I love it!!(and I catch up on my videos and social media stuff
    then because my kids are napping!!:) 

  5. Awesome tips!!! I agree with each one. Find the “me time” is SO important.
    You’re awesome. xoxo

  6. Yay!! Thumbs up for Mama gang! 😄👍🏻
    Actually I believe the hobby tip saved my sanity most times!

  7. Great tips! A tip that has helped me- do whatever you can at night to prep
    for morning. Anything you can for breakfast, packed bags by door if you
    have to go somewhere, clothes laid out…

  8. I’ve been a working mom and a stay at home mom….both are SO hard! I love
    having a schedule! These tips are so good!

  9. Some days, I think being a nurse on a busy surgical ward was easier an a
    SAHM and being a parent!!! ha! – Sam

  10. I am so happy to see a stay at home mom in this day and age. I plan on
    being a stay at home mom once my little girl is born here in 2 weeks!!!

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