home Legit Work From Home Jobs For Moms Legitimate Work At Home Jobs *DETAILED*

Legitimate Work At Home Jobs *DETAILED*


I am not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned. I am not getting to do this video.

Must be a resident of Delaware, Illinois,Montana, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma & Oregon


ALL of these companies require you to have a Laptop OR a Desktop computer. Reference the sites for specific information.
MOST if not ALL of these companies require you to have a Landline phone.
ZERO tolerance for background noise.
MUST be 18 years of age or older.
Most do require you to have SOME customer service experience.

Detailed information can be found the sites provided.

Happy hunting!!

Legitimate Work At Home Jobs *DETAILED*

26 thoughts on “Legitimate Work At Home Jobs *DETAILED*

  1. you are a blessing and thanks may the hands of God bless you,family,friends
    and your business im on disability and i need to work at home so thanks for
    this list many blessing

  2. Kinda crazy how the video generated so many people posting about different
    money making avenues eh? Some may actually work…I’m not usually one to
    join the crowd…but I do know of a real way to make money. I have a son
    with Autism, so I really needed wanted to be home. I looked at tons, and
    most of them are crazy scams. So after looking on Youtube, I found one
    that actually sounded ok. I signed up, and now I earn a pretty good income
    at home. I’m not rich, but my bills are paid on time, and I can afford my
    sons supplements without praying my debit card doesn’t give me the finger 🙂
    Needless to say, if you want to check it out, I’ll plop the link on. If
    you don’t, that’s okay too. No pressure. Oh, and thanks for posting this
    video! 🙂

    1. Checkout the site in the description. Non Phone jobs are very hard to come
      by but its possible.

  3. Found it, thanks so much. I think this info will help my friend out a lot 

  4. you take forever just to tell us which companies allows you to work at home
    and why not just do affiliate marketing?

    1. umm ok? Are you having a bad day? Last I checked noone paid me to make this
      video and I have no reason to lie about anything I just said. You can
      clearly do your own research 🙂 Have a blessed day

    2. +ThickChickVlogs i have research it more then you think and i found out
      that its all a scam….and the ones you can get money from is little kids
      money….not even enough money to buy a pack of cigs with so yeah you
      gettin paid or you getting something, and you know all this stuff is a
      bunch of bull…theres no short cut sweetie you have to work a real job for
      it…what a shame a sista to

  5. thank you for listing these. im trying so hard to find a at home job. I
    also like you’re other video, im a plus size girl too and so I enjoy the
    thift store adventures

  6. Check out both links! This will NOT make you rich, but will pay the bills!!

  7. Will definitely try this method. Right now I am working with Pay Me Zox.com
    where I earn $3500 monthly. I have seen my friends making as high as $ 9000
    every month with multiple jobs.Go on google and type Pay Me Zox.com. It
    will definitely make you succeed.

  8. Interesting! Though people shuld give a try to Pay Me Zox.com, it has
    really helped me clear a lot of my debts and i am getting daily profit out
    of it!

  9. Hay I really like your video I would love to fine a job that would pay
    about 13 to 15 dollar and hour starting out

  10. hello my name is ereshia im new to this work at home and i just need some
    advise on how to get started.

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