home Mommy Jobs Online Least Favourite Mom Jobs | #MOMTRUTHS

Least Favourite Mom Jobs | #MOMTRUTHS

This week's Mom Truths is an honest confession. We're naming off all of our least favourite …and it's a long list. What do you dread the most?

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Hi, guys! We’re Catherine Belknap and Natalie Telfer. Together we parent seven children under the age of six, manage two , and run Social Common. After hosting events and partnering with some amazing brands, we have unlocked the social media world of moms! We are ready take it the next level via our YouTube channel. Social Common is an online community that allows for women to come together to discuss, share, and learn about parenting and the journey of .

Least Favourite Mom Jobs | #MOMTRUTHS

10 thoughts on “Least Favourite Mom Jobs | #MOMTRUTHS

  1. Hilarious. I remind myself people always complain about their day job so it
    only makes sense I complain too – Cuz it’s my job!!! Love that your husband
    has a sinus infection too that sounds about right! 

    1. +Kirsti Stubbs Thank you as always! We are allowed to complain! It’s not
      all sunshine and rainbows

  2. Oh my gosh Cat, can I just say some days I seriously do hate ALL MOM JOBS!
    I’m so glad I’m not alone in this… Ha! It used to make me feel like a bad
    mom, but really, who wants to drop what you’re doing to go wipe someones

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