home Mommy Jobs Online Why quit your job to be a stay at home mom?

Why quit your job to be a stay at home mom?

I quit my task be a stay house mother. It was among the hardest choices I ever made! come and see my life changed. Are you battling with this decision this video will assist you, come hear my story!

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21 thoughts on “Why quit your job to be a stay at home mom?

  1. I use to teach for over 13 years and when my daughter was born I just couldn’t go back to work anymore. Many judge me and I struggle with it too but am thankful am able to stay home with her and raise her the way I believe its right.

  2. I was a single mom with my older children. Then I met my husband and we decided we could afford for me to stay home from working a fed job over 22 years. So I have been a homemaker for 6 years. It is hard work but such a blessing in this crazy world. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
    I struggle a lot sometimes then I remind myself I am to please God and things become clearer. Hugs

  3. thankyou for your love that u spread through youtube. i was at a point feeling frusterated staying home but with your videos i know i always had my mom home and i need to be home for my 3 soon to be 4 kids.

  4. I’m so happy you placed you job below your family! Choosing that you also choose to place the Heavenly Father as first priority!

  5. I found a way to find a medium( not a happy one lol) I quit my government job to work from home so I could support my husbands need for additional financial aid and I could still catch every milestone! Working at home has been good for me the last 6 years but I am praying for the day I can just take care of my 5 children & trust me giving up thoes lavish desires & going minimist has helped me. My whole channel is about doing a lot with a little so I hope some of the ladies will check out my playlist to see, it’s not what you have but what you do with it!! Hugs and blessings 🙂

    1. Yes sisters watching go visit her she is a jewel! I will pray for you that you find a way to not have to work at home and focus solely on your family. Its hard but it can be done.

  6. Jady, I have been slowly moving more towards this direction. I wish you would post more verses, I would love to read about in the bible.

  7. I agree with you wholeheartedly..I finally stayed home last year to homeschool my children because of these very reasons..thank you for sharing! God bless you and your family!

  8. There’s a place called once upon a child I’m not sure if they have one near you but it’s for children clothes and items gently used just wanted to give you info 😊

  9. I really love that you’ve started this channel and find that I can’t wait to see your next VLOG. You are so genuine and humble and I find your desire to be a Godly family woman so inspiring! Thank you for everything you do!

  10. wonderful video! makes me feel edified as judgements are everywhere. I am curious…you said you worked in finance before….do you have any experiance in education? I would have thought you would have been a teacher with how knowledgable you are in your teaching videos! did you just research and train yourself? your such an inspiration to me in every area.

  11. I remember making that same decision a few years ago. I always had God telling me I needed to stay st home but for some reason (external people) telling me it’s lazy, selfish to stay home so I didn’t. Then I started thinking which decision would I regret more…not being with my kids or not working at that automatically made my mind up. We homeschool now as well and I’ve never felt more alive, fulfilled and doing Gods work. A bonus is that my husband feels honored to take care of his family also. Bless you, sister in Christ!
    P.s. You may like Alana L-another YT mom. She reminds me of you. ☺️

  12. Thank you so much for this video. I love your passion and confidence. I just quit a teaching job I loved to be at home. I know we made the right decision, but hearing your message makes me even more certain. I’ve been having a bit of a rough time losing that title- I just need to remember I have the most important title now.

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