home Work From Home Typing Jobs Get Paid For Home Jobs-English Typing And Data Entry Work-Weekly Payout

Get Paid For Home Jobs-English Typing And Data Entry Work-Weekly Payout

Are You Looking for Online data entry Jobs and Offline data entry Jobs. You can and earn upto $20 for one assignment(20 scaned pages in english). It is 100% Legitimate jobs. You can download the files to your and complete the work By using MS-Office Word( Any Version) and submit the same to work providers.There are huge demand of good typers who can type books or hand written document.


The Data entry job projects need the below:

1-Knowledge of MS-Office Word.You can use any version of MS Office.

2-You need to convert the .JPEG (Image Files) into MS-word Files by typing only.

3-Your Accuracy should be 90%.

4-There is no limit of work amount in online typing.You can do your work at your own free will.

5-In one assignment, we will provide 20 scanned images.

6-To qualify for regular work please do not make more than two mistakes in any scanned image of first assignment.

*Below 90% accuracy,No payment mode will be activated by work providers.


Payments are made to you by Cheque, Paypal and Payza.
Payment will release on Every Friday.
It is automatic,no need to send payment request.
There is no minimum threshold.
To start the work please visit:

5 thoughts on “Get Paid For Home Jobs-English Typing And Data Entry Work-Weekly Payout

  1. Paypal payments are on time but cheque payment is not good because i got my
    cheque after 15 days.

  2. i like this site very much bcoz this is very useful to many peoples who are
    searching for online jobs in the internet

  3. I was looking for genuine part time jobs in the field of data entry. When I
    searched on internet, there are too many websites available that offers
    easy data entry, part time jobs, but most of these websites requires
    investment before start working. There are very few places available that
    requires no investment to get data entry jobs on part time basis. One of
    these websites is getpaid4typing.net . It is a freelance part time job
    provider firm that offers genuine, home based jobs in data entry field. I
    start working there and now I am earning a decent monthly income.

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