home Work From Home Typing Jobs legit online data entry job work without investment from government-digitize india

legit online data entry job work without investment from government-digitize india

Quickly earn over $100/day here:

– govt of india is providing works for the people of indians without any investment.our P.M narendra modi has introduced digitize india programme for that purpose all the documents which are in hardcopy has to be changed into dmat form.so govt is giving an opportunity to all indians to work .
for this you need to have..
1.)typing skills
2.)aadhar card no. of the candidate
3.)bank a/c linked with aadhar
5.)phone number.



learn typing skills by free typing softwares like rapid typing or typing master
link:- or

earn by online .

this is the genuine online work…thank you.

for /part time jobs/work from jobs visit my blog

please subscribe sai pavan raju and share for more earning online jobs…thank you:-)

44 thoughts on “legit online data entry job work without investment from government-digitize india

    1. it is just like captcha work, go to workspace and select language and start
      work,presently the work is not available so check out website twice in a

    1. go to the bank where you had opened your bank a/c submit the aadhaar card
      number to update your bank a/c with aadhaar, so the linking of aadhar to
      bank a/c is complete.

  1. sir i have completed my register account and also i have start my workspace
    job but i did not got the points to know

    1. Masthan Mohd, you had started the work but it takes times to update the
      snippets that you have completed and gets reward as it is a govt site, you
      have to wait for a while , but you must remember that minimum reward points
      to redeem is 2500 points, so complete atleast 10000 and above snippets,
      thanks for commenting.

    1. go to workspace in the menu bar and click on load workspace and your
      starts.but presently there are no snippets available so check out the
      website twice in a week, since the website has last updated on 9th may and
      the snippets finished few days back so wait for some days to start the
      work. thanks for commenting

    1. hi, parveen Try opening the page in Incognito mode. If it works there, it
      means one of your extensions is causing the security problem and you should
      remove it. or this may occur by your antivirus settings, and also time &
      date settings are accurate. the website is running well, there is technical
      error in your browser or PC.

    1. Try opening the page in Incognito mode. If it works there, it means one of
      your extensions is causing the security problem and you should remove it.
      Learn how to turn off an extension
      If you have any anti-virus software that provides “HTTPS protection” or
      “HTTPS scanning,” it might be interfering with the browser’s ability to
      provide security and should be disabled.
      “Your clock is behind” or “Your clock is ahead”
      If you see the error “Your clock is behind” or “Your clock is ahead,” your
      computer’s inaccurate date and time are causing an SSL error. To get rid of
      this message, update your device’s clock.


      check this out


      thanks for commenting , if this does not work, comment again i will provide
      better solution. 🙂

  2. sir after registeration complete how i will find work.. please upload video
    on how to got work

    1. After creating account, go to workspace in the menu bar and click on load
      workspace and your work starts after selecting the language.

    1. hi, pavan
      after completing more than 10000 snippets, the digitize India team will
      give certain number of points for the snippets you completed, based on
      their calculation, so you can redeem the points,remember minimum redemption
      is 2500 points.then the amount will send to Aadhaar linked bank a/c which
      was submitted at registration process.
      thanks for commenting.

  3. Sir
    it’s showing connection is not private,attackers might be trying to steal
    information…..unable to sign up ..plz help me

    1. There are issues with the site’s certificate chain
      (net::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID). it’s validity is from 30-6-2015 to 30-6-2016,
      but resources on this page are served securely,
      it will be updated by digitize India team, it is purely based on your
      opinion to register now or after update,so many people registering now also.

      if you are ready to signup even now then see there is an option of
      ‘advanced’ in that error page and click continue to unsafe website.(chrome

  4. Tried to register – it is getting aadhar authentication not succesful –
    tried to give other aadhar numbers also getting same issue-
    Please suggest me

    1. hi shasha vali, i had already asked this question? to saipavanraju sir,he
      suggested me to register in other system in a internet cafe, yes it worked
      for another aadhar card of my family member, even if it did not work for
      you then it is purely your own account problem and nobody can help only
      send email to support team or call to them as shown in the website.

  5. im trying to register into this site but it simply saying your connection
    is not private what i have to do now suggest me plz soon

  6. i am trying regiter without aadhaar card field. But after ckicking
    ‘Register Now’ button next page displayed an error ie, OOps 404 Error..!!!
    Something is wrong..

  7. To all my viewers and subscribers,please don’t take this as full time work
    or high payout work,
    This involves Longtime process like converting snippets into points and the
    points redeemed turned into rupees will sent to your bank a/c, this video
    is made to give awareness about legit online work available, from this work
    you will not get huge amount, not only this work, any online captcha works
    does not give you more than 10000 rupees every month. there many other ways
    to earn money(by learning/developing skills or increasing talents you have)
    not by referral programmed scheme.
    thanks for viewers/commentators and subscribers who had asked me through
    email about different ways to earn money faster, & i had given suggestions
    to them, now they are asking me to create videos on skills to learn/develop
    to earn money in online etc.
    now i was in a dilemma to create videos on making money or skill
    development or both(this question was arise based on previous/current month
    mails received to me), the decision will be taken on viewers and
    subscribers opinions, my subscribers opinion is highly valued in taking
    decisions. thanks for your support :-)

  8. Hello Sir, How much I can earn form this job maximum. Please replay. I have
    tried many non govt projects they all are fraud. Is it possible to earn
    actually from online with minimum computer knowledge such as browsing, data
    typing?? Please help

    1. hi pradeep,
      This involves Longtime process like converting snippets into points and the
      points redeemed turned into rupees will sent to your bank a/c, this video
      is made to give awareness about legit online work available, from this work
      you will not get huge amount, not only this work, any online captcha works
      does not give you more than 10000 rupees every month. there many other ways
      to earn money(by learning/developing skills or increasing talents you have)
      not by referral programmed scheme.
      thanks for viewers/commentators and subscribers who had asked me through
      email about different ways to earn money faster, & i had given suggestions
      to them

      may i know on which work you are interested, like data typing, captcha,
      transcription,voice narration,tutoring,blogging,YouTube videos, etc.

      for captcha work : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDQqWvHuq50
      for transcription : appen.com…..etc

  9. Dear Sir I have filled my details in Registration form but I am getting
    error in password..tell me sir..

    1. OK, then try to click below ‘Forgot your password? Click here’ option. so
      you will receive password to your mail, this is the only way at present

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