home How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mom Stay at Home Mom Jobs – Think out of the Norm!

Stay at Home Mom Jobs – Think out of the Norm!


Many women, like myself want to stay home with our children, but still want to earn an income.

There are some interesting mom out there and also some great businesses.

I have come across many interesting options. Some of the interesting 'jobs' from home are

-online concierge… someone who makes arrangements, such as setting up meeting locations, hotel accommodations
– medical endocer
– and armchair judge – yes, it's true. Lawyers need feedback on their cases and sometimes pay people to look over their documentation and give an opinion.

The pay range for these jobs might be $8 – $20. Full time translators average $61,000 per year.

But here's the thing. You need to have skills to to these things. If you don't have the skills, you are going to have to paying for schooling, certifications, etc. And while these jobs may pay some bills, you certainly will not be wealthy.

You may want to consider starting up an . And some are better than others. The business I am growing allows me to build my residual income every single month with the SAME AMOUNT OT EFFORT.

I will not give income projections, because you are on your effort and consistency and I cannot possibly predict what you WILL do. However, it is not uncommon to reach six figures in your first year.

are great! But a Leveraged Stay at Home Business can create wealth. If you would like to take a look at what I do, fill out this form , get some information and connect with me.

Live you Best Life! -Julie Becker

Stay at Home Mom Jobs – Think out of the Norm!

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