Who do YOU think a cool teenager wouldn’t want showing up at their party?
Vanessa is one busy stay at home mom!
Who do YOU think a cool teenager wouldn’t want showing up at their party?
Somebody sells weed, LMAO
Yeah no one in the comments section can figure it out LMAO… I was
watching this episode it was easy… Steve all day FTW
yeah… that’s pretty much it LOL
+J. Drummond ROFL!!!!!! you right!
+Cauxi is there more than one kind of crack?
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+James Ford
+DarkoTDR ok
Does that mean JaWONE is a stay at home dad when he switches out with a
stay at home mum?
hahahahahahaha! I guess so LOL
😂😂😭😭😭 exactly I thought the term stay at home mom meant not working mom
+HotBox24 it does… she doesn’t have a clue in the blue sky what she’s
talking about LOLOL
well a lot of stay at home mom’s make money from home part-time. Making
jewelry, making clothes, baking, and such. She’s can’t work full-time if
she works when he gets off and the end of her day is 10pm. A working mom
works 8 or more hours.
She’s book smart… but she has no common sense. She’s not a stay at home
mom if she goes to work. She just works 2nd shift….
+OhSheIndia right, I don’t know why that’s so hard to comprehend. If you
don’t stay at home …your not a stay at home mom.
+Carolyn Ford Burac also my mom (when I used to live with her) was at home
part time and also working when she wasn’t out doing what she needs to do.
That’s a traditional working mom that you’re describing just because you
have a husband who works longer does not make you a stay at home mom. A
traditional mom works and does whatever errands (dance classes, school, all
the other stuff you described) and still comes home. You’re contradicting
yourself, you’re a working/ traditional mom. Stay at home moms.. Stay at
home and do anything they need to do besides work because they already have
a source of income coming in which allows them to stay at home with the
kids. If you work you’re a traditional mom
right that’s what I’m saying… I don’t think she knows the definition of
stay at home mom
The whole thing was for jokes.. She’s a stay at home MOM!.. Lol
I’m pretty sure the whole thing was a joke so that she could make it sound
like she was selling drugs, before revealing her real occupation is just a
On twitter people cut the pharmacist part out so I was just like, WOAH WOAH
+megan h. on facebook what it looked to be a whine, they cut it off after
she say i sell drugs…
+megan h. Yeah, on facebook too.
they making her look so bad on instagram lol I was like this women can’t be
serious about saying she sells drugs on TV.
+Becoming King bruh i got sent here from Instagram
+taylor achord me too lol
Wait…I have never seen it on insta…what’s her Instagram id…more like
what should I search on Instagram??
+Awesome SK55 It says, I’m a stay at home mom but I’m about that money so I
do sell drugs.. an it ends there. lol
i think she said it like that on purpose to get a reaction out of Steve
no she just babbling on like a idiot LOL!!
+LilMayoJr. absofuckinglutely
Bye Felicia!😋
We are the only people who were smart enough to look this up & not
automatically believe the clip being shared around. haha
+Nikia Delaney hahaha… it’s called horribly failed joke and if you look
at the first comment WWE all came here due to inatagram….
+Shaun Riley right I did too because it was unbelievable that’s why I
landed on this comment. However, I started reading the comments. Steve’s
jokes had me, and I’ve dated a pharmacist. This is exactly how he put his
profession. My mouth dropped then, and he elaborated. I think it’s an
inside joke or something amongst them. To be honest, I work at CDC, and the
United States have more people hooked or overdosing on pharmaceuticals than
the average drug dealer, so in actuality she is just as bad as the actual
drug dealers due to doctors over prescribing. It does capture the audience
attention, because I fell for it again. SMH
Thats why most of us are here…
+Nikia ಠ_ಠ Delaney TNT knows drama.
Daquan on Instagram brought me here lmao
Haha me too
lmao me too.
Me too
“I’m a stay at home mom BUT I’M ABOUT THAT MONEY SO I DO SELL DRUGS” o_O
She was about to reveal her entire operation to millions of people and
caught herself before she did LOL the police are enjoying this video on
their way to her house
+presidentdiddy did u even see the video lol. She was joking
+samuel ahs I think he/she was joking too.
“I’m a stay at home mom but I’m about dat money” 😂 That’s all I ever want
my future wife to say ❤
Ole boy got a 🏆
She could not have worded that any worse lol
she did that on purpose to make Steve talk 😛
bruh than you aren’t a stay at home mom you work part time….😒😒😒
completely agree
That damn Instagram had me believing she sold illegal drugs, and that she
was about to be about that jail, about that jail food, and about that drop
the soap movement if she accidentally did that as well lmao.
Plot twist, she does sell drugs but used the pharmacist job as a cover up.
Steve is just such a funny man
Street Pharmacist
Name a street sign that can relate to Sex.
Slippery when wet.
Idiot. She leaves and gets fucked in da booty.
i swear twitter cut out the pharmacist part so i thought she did sell drugs
LMAO same