Some of the occupations women trailblazed might surprise you.
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Join Cristen to get down to the business of being a woman and all the Stuff Mom Never Told You about bodies, boys and the female brain.
5 Rad Jobs Men Stole from Women
This might just be a stylistic choice, but Greece is not located on the
Iberian Peninsula.
+maglorian I was about to comment that! XD
just thinking the same
+maglorian #productionbloop
I really like the way your videos are informative! The laughs are a free
plus, thank you!
Pretty sad, but tis true
In the past not 2016
+Justin Kelly Nope, 2016 too.
In my parents origin country, Rwanda, women brew beers including my Grandma
yessssss rwandan here too!!
+Thérèse Namahoro heyyy gurl! do you speak kinyarwanda?
+nicki giramata So cool! 😀
Greece? that’s Portugal
women’s work isn’t valued as highly as work that is traditionally done by
men, because women are devalued and everything they do is viewed with the
taint of their devalued status. #Patriarchy
Stop whining about history.. .Especially when u are fighting against
elements of past like patriarchy.. Wanna bring past back be ready to accept
the too.. Hypocrite..
fucking people hate the truth here, this is too true, Mary.
+Bobby Babu
Stop whining about people whining about history when we still live in a
world *affected by* the lingering memories of the past. Moron.
+Mary Jane example of said works? dont tell me you are comparing a woman in
sales at the shop to a man in sales as the director.
Don’t forget that women were the ancient tribal leaders and healers before
religion and science came in and men took over.
+Dream Delirium Aha.
I’m sort of delirious from copious amounts of tea drunk today o.o.
I don’t think HE thinks he’s a troll-though that may be completely
irrelevant-and maybe he’s just a little bit lonely and this conversation
brings comfort to him D: I will continue responding in an orderly fashion
my dear after I run an errand~
+Stellarskyane “Zedge” Well, I came to that conclusion after viewing his
liked videos. He doesn’t believe what he is saying.
+Dream Delirium I think I’m understanding, but I may be missing it. You’re
explanation of evolution makes sense. Throughout the majority of species,
the female is the gate keeper of reproductions, thus the male traits that
females desire are largely the only ones that can flourish, so the goddess
metaphor works well within evolution as well. Sexually selected traits play
almost as big a role as survival based selected traits. In fact sometimes
traits that make it harder to survive will stay in a population because
they are so effective at enabling reproduction. In humans, and maybe other
species as well, if I’ve read correctly, we all start our female; oddly
enough, the reason they believe males have nipples.
The term troll comes from the boating term, since the word means to trail
bait in hopes that you’ll lore in and catch something, so in that sense, I
am a troll, or at least trolling; where I may differ here from the internet
use of troll, is that I’m trolling to catch people’s views and opinions,
not to deliberately offend or provoke outrage. I think the two can be hard
to tell apart, especially because there is no tone of voice or facial
expression connected to the words we write. I feel I’ve learned a lot
though the comment thread, and I feel I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t posed
questions or made statements in a baiting way. You seem brighter than the
average, and well worded, so these tactic wouldn’t really be needed in
order to have a dialogue with you, but for many people, a question
or statement without flare, isn’t exciting enough to engage with.
+btdtpro If you intentionally misrepresent your true opinions for the sake
of baiting, then you are indeed “trolling”, in the internet sense. Though,
Socrates would have been a classic troll.
+Sarah Metcalf. Name these “ancient tribes”?
I love Caitlin Doughty!
+Katie Cooks and Crafts Yes I was so happy when she mentioned her 😀 I
followed her channel for so long!
Hi friends, totally aware of the map mishap. Geogra-FAILS happen. But feel
free to keep pointing it out so we can finally see if enough youtube
comments can magically edit a video. ;)
+Stuff Mom Never Told You – HowStuffWorks LOL …yes, fails happen and
people need to get over themselves. I like your comment the most ” But feel
free to keep pointing it out so we can finally see if enough youtube
comments can magically edit a video. ;)” I will look forward to the video
pointing out 5 jobs women took from men. Great job Kristen – please keep em
coming! =)
+Susan Millard This.
What, only five?
ouch, some people are being a little harsh. The video is just fine, you can
always put a pop up box note thingy over the map error.
This is so interesting!! Wish this was things you heard about in school
growing up. Another interesting things would be to see how jobs that are
mainly for “women” also have men in the top leading positions, like for
example how cooking is the woman’s job, but every famous chief is a guy!?!?
Or how fashion is for mainly women, but still all the leading fashion
designers are mainly men??!?
A good example of the patriarchy in Norway, which is one of the top leading
countries when it comes to equality, is how being a teacher was a well
paid, respected and a good job.. until women also could be teachers, and
then ended up dominating the field. Now its a regular job, with minimal pay
and kind of shitty circumstances.
+Mirjam Take this with a grain of salt but, if were talking Michelin stars
level head chefs then it requires a very driven person to make it work
because pressure is immense, hours long and socially unfriendly and not
many people are willing to make sacrifices needed to be the top dog in the
kitchen of that tier. Heck, rest of the kitchen staff there are integral
part of this culinary superhero dream team as well, even if public might
not hear about them as much, and I’m sure that experience opens a lot of
doors when they want to step up and possibly make their own mark.
Now when it comes to TV show kind of chefs, mostly doing things that can be
recreated at home, we can see more of prominent women in the picture. (Not
implying women can’t punch above that but they seem to be more happy in
this more public, less backbreaking part of the business.)
I’m not familiar with Norwegian school system, are you genuinely sure that
only variable that had changed in education from whenever golden period was
till now to cause wages to drop is amount of female teachers?
Men are simply better at doing whatever we put our minds to. We go all in
and that’s why men dominate pretty much every field.
+lolYT69 it’s easy to dominate fields when you’ve historically shut
everyone else out.
Guess it was not very hard to be better than someone who got pregnant at
least 15 times during her life (when contraception was forbidden or simply
didn’t exist). Well good job guys, such heroes.
MOVIE EDITING! It used to a job that came down to cutting pieces of film
reel with extreme patience, accuracy and thoroughness. It was almost always
done by women. But now, when it’s just sitting in front of computer and
using editing software, you can hardly spot a female movie editor,
especially in bigger releases.
+evymakesvideos true! It was considered more of a “craft” back in the day,
while work with the camera was more technical and thus deemed men’s work.
Modern editing still requires patience and thoroughness… It’s just
different, not any less of a profession.
You put Greece in the wrong spot
I always find it interesting seeing how culture shifts and what was once
one group’s thing becomes another group’s. So thanks for this video, very
One of the most surprising I had found was lobster used to be considered
poor people’s food. It had been so lowly that it’s main uses were
fertilizer, bait for “real fish”, food for prisoners, food for indentured
servants. No respectable person would dare eat it.
Most info cites modern industry and better fishing as to the rise of
lobster, but the reality is it was due to one man and the modernization
only occurred after the shift in perception. I forget which of the
financial barons it was Morgan, Rothchild, Rockafeller, or one of the
others but one of those guys accidentally tried his servant’s lobster stew
one day. He absolutely loved it and because of how wonderful that stew was
he started getting all his rich friends to eat lobster also. Almost over
night it went from affordable and thought of as one of the lowest sources
of food, to becoming exclusively for the richest of people and costing too
much for the poor to afford.
Yess! I love ask a mortician!
Hi Cristen. I’m a blogger and I’m suffering from writer’s block. Can you
please explain what causes it & how to get out of that state of mind?
I’d recommend asking your audience for help by asking what they want to see
more of.
+Adam Bechtel Well put!!!
I’m growing flowers commercially for the first time this year, and flower
farming has some pretty interesting dynamics. Like, people who don’t farm
go “oh, growing flowers, so gardening” and then make a comment relating
that to me being a woman. As in, women don’t/can’t do “real” farming
(btdubz, flower farming is farming and women farmers are increasing in
numbers by.. a lot). A flower farming family working at market winds up
with everyone thinking the husband is the gay assistant friend (because
flowers) and the wife knows everything. But then you also get older male
farmers who simultaneously think it’s cute that you want to grow flowers
because vaginas but that you can’t do it because farming is a lot of work.
Why is it that humans always need somebody to hate? Black people, women,
trans people… It’s almost like the white man needs someone to oppress to
keep themselves “superior”.. I don’t understand it because we’re all human?
Why does one kind of human need to have superiority over another type of
human? It’s just an observation.. But am I wrong?
When I was younger my mom was a librarian and one of her main jobs was to
write out the code to translate all of library’s files to digital format.