Stuff champs are made of: P&G tribute to all mothers
For the love of a mom/ Born to prosper
Country: UK
Brand name: Procter & gamble
Year: 2012
More commercials:. All rights scheduled. For all concerns, please mail to
Stuff champs are made of: P&G tribute to all mothers
For the love of a mom/ Born to prosper
Country: UK
Brand name: Procter & gamble
Year: 2012
More commercials:. All rights scheduled. For all concerns, please mail to
The hardest job in the world is a mom. You have to be the most deluded
idiot in the world to even come close to believing that!! Because a man
fishing for crabs in icy waters or a man in a coal mine isn’t dangerous at
all. Well, I must have ignored the fact that doing house cleaning in your
pajamas is more hazardous and difficult than avoiding enemy gunfire in the
frontlines or searching for victims in a burning building. This is obvious
feminist crap!
Being a mother is one of the hardest jobs because it’s a job that never
ends. Every moment of every day is no longer about you, but the well-being
and happiness of your children. You always come second to them, so it takes
a very selfless woman to be a mother (or selfless man to be a full-time
dad). I don’t want to take anything away from our troops who fight for our
freedom or any other hardworking person, but being a mother is one of the
most challenging, frustrating, time consuming, emotional, wonderful,
rewarding, and amazing things I have ever done with my life. From pregnancy
to giving birth to getting ready to celebrate a 1st birthday. I’m proud
that I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to bring a child into the world
and mold them into a happy, healthy, productive little person 🙂
I fully understand what you’re saying, and you express it very well, but
mothers are no more important to any child than loving fathers…and I am
one of those.
To be honest, I am sick of the fact that from advertising to so-called
‘family’ courts, fathers are heavily discriminated against, and enjoy none
of the rights with their children that mothers do. This is wrong for
fathers, and wrong for children, and it’s why most dads would view this
sentimental tripe in a different way to how it might be viewed by most
I think fathers are very important as well. This is just the perspective of
a stay at home or full time mother. My husband is always working so his
experience as parent is very different than mine, not any less important,
but less challenging to say the least. But my daughter needs her father as
mucha s she needs me because I have grown up without a dad and I know what
that void feels like. I’m so happy that she will grow up with both parents
in her life. We are equally important to her 🙂
I am pleased you recognise the equal importance of fathers in the lives of
their children Maria…just wish the courts and media shared the same
Hope you all develop and grow as a happy family
What is the name of the soundtrack please ?
“Divenire” by Ludovico Einaudi
+Gabriel Trullenque Thx man
+Gabriel Trullenque
thx so much man
the song is “Ludovico Einaudi – Divenire”
To everyone who’s wondering, the soundtrack name is “Divenire” by Ludovico
Let`s take a bow in front of all mothers ! Let you tears run free – me l
did .
i cried for long the first time i watched this im a swimmer and im 11 and i
Fair enough Gavriella, you are still so young, but do remember that Dads do
just as much and more than mums…it’s just that advertisers and mothers
want you to believe that only mothers do anything important for children.
I’m a dad with three lovely children who are a bit older than you now, and
all I can say is don’t believe everything you are told. Good luck with
your swimming!
LOL… hardest job in the world… say that that to coal miners,
construction workers, special force soldiers etc. all male dominated jobs.
and there’s a reason why, its fucking dangerous. I’m studying construction
management and learned that the industry is the most dangerous in the world
with most deaths from work being in construction.
+willing2fly I feel your pain… and i am sincerely sorry Society is
incapable of recognising human kindness, devotion and love.
+nancy christine di giuseppe Thank you for a rare moment of understanding
+Alexandra Ventouras tell that to the child slaves in 3rd world countries
because they definetly get paid i wonder what their health benefits are like
+hardpunk10101 Sorry, being an armoured vehicle operator is the most
dangerous. We are targets, you are just accidents. I’m a mother AND an
armoured vehicle operator. You can’t beat that for hard.
i think its harder to be a theoretical physicist, more rewarding to.
Job = the regular paid work that you do for an employer. Do mothers in the
developing world get paid for raising up their children? No, they do
Loved this!!!! Father’s get their praise on Father’s Day! Our family
wouldn’t be one without my husband, we love him but I know without me ours
wouldn’t be a home. My kids wouldn’t get their home education, their boo
boo’s kissed, their meals cooked, the monsters scared away at night when
daddy is doing what he needs to do. This is not taking anything away from
anyone. Arrogance is not praiseworthy. Thank you for allowing moms just a
few moments or minutes of praise without having to scratch our eyes out for
just being loving and committed to our children and families. What a shame
for anyone to see this as a negative…that’s unfortunately not fixed by
words on youtube…only one Man I know can fix those pains. I pray that
your hurts are healed so you can see the glory in all He has made us to be.
if it was a job, id have fired my mom.
Even though men will be trying to get their points across that they are
also good fathers, Its true… You wouldn’t be here if not for your mother
but your dad also played a role in that part. Maybe your mom isn’t there
and instead your dad is doing all the hard work? Mine working,
constructions and whatnot are hard jobs yet you don’t do it 24/7, you don’t
work in a mine forever, at some point the mine will not produce anymore
coal and it will be left. A mom must suffer through birth, she must accept
the stretch marks and other damages to her body, she must love you through
thick and thin, teach you to be a better person. I wont be biased about
this and be another “Oh moms are better, fathers do nothing.” kinda person,
Fathers who work in mines put their life at risk in order to earn money for
their family, have food on the table and give love to their children which
they also raised.
In reality both parents have a part to play, Remember that your mother
could have had an abortion, But she didn’t. she raised you only for you to
comment “But men also blah blah blah” Cant we all just say that moms are
awesome and we love them? Have a heart, you came out of a vagina and
destroyed a body. Appreciate it. My Mom is awesome and I love her to death,
yet my dad is also amazing for being there when my mom stepped back to take
a break.
because when we get back from the mine we get back to taking care of our
wives/kids. it is a 24/7 job. i get that women are the self proclaimed
childcare experts but you shouldnt discount what the father does. nothing
would be the way it is for the mother and kids if the father wasnt there,
so make a happy parents day. one isnt more important than the other.
after all, theyve made it the self proclaimed “hardest job in the world” so
by that logic most women think being a father is a walk in the park.
Oh right because after my cousin comes back from the army full of holes
he’s not dead. His job is over. Phss. That man is full of bullet holes. Meh
I have to deal with stretch marks from giving birth obviously my problems
are a lot worse
I am moved by the video and very disappointed by the many negative comments
below… As a child I will simply say… thank you Mom for being here for
me… and I certainly won’t start judging and saying..hey your job is not
as hard as somebody working in a mine… I do not think this is the purpose
of this video..
What i feel here with all the negative comments is a lot of EGO… a lot of
people who need recognition for their share of work in our society.. I feel
sad our society is not doing that.. so I just want to say thank you to my
mom but to all people on this planet for being here..working..taking care
of each other.. 🙂
Love u mamma.. :* :* :*
Cops firefighters miners that’s easy
Cant understand those who do not like this add. Everybody knows that a dad
is as important as moms but this is anyway a nice way to tribute mums. I
rekognised myself since i got 2 children that is like this children waking
up early going to sports like 6-7 times a week somethimes 2 thimes a day
and then its really important that parents are there since its almost
impoosible for a Child to go for 100 % on whatever sport she is doing. Then
both moms and dads has to be there. And I admit I cried also and its
nothing wrong with that, I hope I will se my doughter winning Wimbledon 1
day and probably I will cry again :)))