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Typing snippets for Virtualbee
For more legitimate work at home data entry jobs and other opportunities, please go to my official website for weekly updates, payment proofs, reviews and more at
On average how much does one make doing work for this site?
When work is available, and depending on how long you key/type for, they
pay 0.30c per 1,000 characters typed. So roughly a few dollars an hour, if
you reach their 1k key payout. They pay by check, once a week; if your
account balance is $30 or more.
Are there any immediate jobs that you don’t have to qualify for or wait for
work to be available? Also that pays decent? Thanks
Possibly Intelichek, sharing stuff through Mylikes, and writing articles
online. You can earn decent income doing this.
Okay, thank you so much!
this is interesting, keep up the good work.
Thanks for watching.
Good job you got some fast fingers.
Thank you for watching.
You seem to be a very fast typer. In order to past the test for virtualbee
how fast of a typist do you need to be?
Hi Desiree, it is hard to say but I would guess or estimate that you need a
typing speed of around 50 wpm or higher than 30 wpm. I do know that your
speed and accuracy is a factor in your overall score.
I just took the test thanks alot!
Thank you for watching.
Thank you so much for the demonstration. I have taken the test a few times
but still have not gotten only 70 percent or a little more. At what percent
will I be given a chance?
Usually in the upper 90 percentile. I was “hired” (invited) at 100%
Thanks.. This helps alot.
Thank you for watching.
Thank you for the video I definitely needed the help with this
Your very welcome. I made a video on my other channel about how to score
100 on the Virtualbee test that you can watch here if you think it would
help How to get 100% on the Virtualbee Evaluation
how do you select blank? space key?
To select blank you will need to type the backslash key on your keyboard
which is next to your shift key on the right hand side.
hey alysha i have just gave their test thing and i scored 99%. Is that
enough to get selected?And now what next?I scored 99 % and how will i get
+Srijan Tuladhar That is s great score. I have heard some people getting
invited to work for them with this score and others have said that you need
100. You could ask them about your score or status to see what their
response is in order to know for sure.
Greetings Alicia, Have you personally done any work for Fancy Hands? If so,
what was your experience? Please advise. Your input is greatly appreciated.
Thank you :-)
+lilmamap11 I have not worked for this company yet so I don’t have any
personal experience with them but they do have a faq page and a forum for
their workers that may be helpful here
i would like to do this what i hove to do?
hello, mary, I was watching the lady do the demo on typing the snippet for
virtual bee, the instruction for the dollars and cents, says to not type
the cents, just key the whole numbers.
Love your videos..
I have registered and got the 100 percentile evaluation result.. But then
what’s next.. How to start the paid work ??.. please help
+Amit trader They will contact you via email when they are ready to offer
you a position. Just make sure that you check your emails.
how to start earning? my percentile 63rd….
plz help
is a 66 good or bad. should i retake it/
I have completed 3 evaluation test with 90% score. But still not get any work plz help